My Unforgettable 4-Year Journey at KIIT: From Unexpected Beginnings to Triumphs

Prayush Jain / PJ
6 min readAug 14, 2023

I’m Prayush Jain, and I want to take you on a journey through my unforgettable four years at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), a journey filled with unexpected twists, challenges, growth, and ultimately, triumphs. Let’s start from the very beginning, with a story that’s both amusing and life-changing.

The Serendipitous Turn of Events:

Hailing from the beautiful city of Udaipur in Rajasthan, I had my sights set on joining a prestigious college. After a year-long gap following my 12th grade, I applied for various entrance exams, including JEE, BITSAT, MHTCET, and COMEDK. Then, as if by chance, I stumbled upon an opportunity at KIIT. To be honest, I decided to give it a shot mainly because the application was free! Little did I know that this seemingly minor decision would change the course of my life.

I cleared the KIIT entrance exam with a decent rank, and the college called me for counseling. However, life threw a curveball as I had another exam on the same day — MHTCET. Despite my limited knowledge about the college, I researched and found that KIIT was indeed a good institution. I didn’t want to miss this opportunity, so I sent my sister and dad to Bhubaneswar for the counseling session while I was giving my exam in Mumbai. Our efforts paid off; the seat was reserved, and we embarked on a 40-hour train journey to Odisha, a state I was soon to call my second home.

First Steps on Campus:

The KIIT campus was more than I could have imagined — vast and awe-inspiring. As we entered the auditorium for the orientation, I was moved by the words of our founder, Sir Achyuta Samanta. Regardless of personal opinions, his journey was undeniably inspiring. We completed the necessary formalities, paid the fees, and received our hostel rooms. While I had hoped for a 2-bed non-AC room, circumstances led to a 3-bed non-AC room allocation, marking the beginning of my college life.

The Emotional First Semester:

As my dad and I stood in that room, tears welled up in our eyes, though we didn’t let them show. He was letting his beloved son go, 2000 km away from home, a necessary but tough decision. My roommates, two friendly folks from Bihar, helped ease the transition. We made friends, and a group of seven of us became inseparable, sitting at the back of the class. We had our share of fun, but we also took our studies seriously, earning the title of “back benchers.” I had my share of struggles, especially with programming, which was essential for my dream of becoming a software developer.

Navigating the Programming Challenges:

The initial computer programming classes were tough. My classmates, many from ICSE boards, had learned programming much earlier, while I was struggling to catch up. The teacher’s focus on programming wasn’t extensive, so I had to take matters into my own hands. I spent hours reading books, trying to understand the concepts. I even had a wonderful female friend who helped me pass the practical exam, preventing me from receiving a low score.

The Turning Point in the Second Semester:

In the second semester, we didn’t have programming classes, but I was determined to learn. I practiced, wrote simple code, and slowly built my confidence. A pivotal moment was when my friend handed me an 8th-grade programming book, and she began teaching me how to approach programming questions. Taught a little bit about how to approach questions. First, build a solution in your head. Then try to write it in English (Pseudo Code) then try to write the program. She gave me 10 questions that day and asked me to solve them and come the next day. I was able to solve 9 out of 10. Maybe they were easy but that boosted my confidence a lot. This boost in confidence was exactly what I needed. It was also the time when I got selected for SSB Technical Entry, an experience that taught me a lot.

Facing Health Challenges and Overcoming Them:

Life has a funny way of teaching us resilience. On my way back from SSB Bhopal, I contracted Chicken Pox. I didn’t realize it until I reached the hostel, where no one wanted to get too close. My roommates were my saviors, helping me with food and other needs. We visited the hospital, got the necessary medicine, and I managed to recover well enough to travel back home for a brief period. Returning to college, I faced challenges in catching up with my studies, but I persevered and managed to pass my exams, even though my CGPA took a slight hit.

Becoming Tech-Savvy and Exploring Startups:

As I progressed through the semesters, my interest in programming grew. I was particularly intrigued by the world of startups. Coming from a business background, I wanted to understand how startups functioned, even though I had limited technical knowledge. I started interviewing with startups and eventually landed an internship as a Business Analyst at Codepth. It was a rewarding experience that exposed me to the corporate world. This internship ignited a desire in me to transition into the tech field.

The Internship Experience

After my Business Analyst internship, I sought opportunities as a Software Developer Intern. I joined Softomatic but realized it didn’t align with my goals. Putting monetary considerations aside, I made the tough decision to leave and joined HighRadius as a Data Science Intern. This three-month journey was intense and demanding, but it opened my eyes to the world of Full Stack Development and Data Science, ultimately leading to a paid internship offer.

Seventh Semester Triumphs

With the start of my paid internship at HighRadius, the placement season began. It was a challenging time, with prestigious companies visiting the campus. Despite a good CGPA and dedication, I initially faced disappointments. Doubts crept in, but I held onto the belief that everything would work out. My determination paid off as I received multiple offers from different companies. I managed to maintain a strong CGPA and even published papers, reflecting my commitment to both academics and personal growth.

The Road to the Eighth Semester

My journey culminated in the eighth semester, where I pursued an internship at CleverTap. This experience was a culmination of my academic endeavors and my newfound passion for the tech industry. You can read more about this incredible experience here.





I’m filled with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. These four years at KIIT have shaped me in ways I never could have imagined during that serendipitous decision to apply. Each semester brought its own challenges, lessons, and moments of triumph. From struggling with programming syntax to emerging as a software developer, this journey epitomizes growth, resilience, and the power of embracing the unknown.

To my readers, thank you for joining me on this voyage through my college years. If my journey teaches you anything, let it be that even amidst uncertainties and challenges, there’s always room for growth and transformation. Feel free to reach out to me if you’d like to connect or have any questions. And now, as a final touch, I’d love to share a glimpse of my convocation day, where my academic journey culminated with a sense of accomplishment and a heart full of dreams.

Here’s to the memories made, the lessons learned, and the adventures that await. As I step out into the world, I carry with me the spirit of KIIT and the countless experiences that have shaped me.

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