Backend Engineer, Airtel Interview Experience, India 2022

Prayush Jain / PJ
4 min readAug 23, 2023


Hello, I’m Prayush Jain, currently employed as a Software Developer at CleverTap, hailing from the beautiful city of Udaipur in Rajasthan, India. Today, I’m excited to share my interview experience with you, which took place at Airtel’s India office in 2022. It was an interesting journey, filled with unexpected twists and valuable insights.

The Application Process:

My journey with Airtel began when I stumbled upon a job post on LinkedIn by one of Airtel’s HR representatives. The post encouraged potential candidates to send in their CVs if they met the job requirements. This was for a Backend Developer role, which piqued my interest, as it aligned with my career goals. I also applied to similar roles through LinkedIn’s Easy Apply feature. I wasn’t sure which application led to the interview opportunity, but I was eager to move forward.

The Initial Contact:

Shortly after submitting my application, I received a call from Airtel’s HR department. The HR representative was keen to learn more about my qualifications, including my graduation completion year, current job, current compensation, and career aspirations. Our conversation was positive, and she expressed interest in proceeding to the interview stage. She asked if I was available for interviews the following week, to which I eagerly agreed. We quickly settled on interview dates, and thus, my journey into the Airtel interview process began.

Round 1: The First Impression:

The first round of interviews at Airtel lasted for about an hour and featured a single interviewer. We began with a brief introduction, which naturally segued into discussing my educational background. However, what stood out was the genuine interest the interviewer showed in my college projects. He probed deep into the technical and business aspects of my projects, asking about problem-solving strategies, performance enhancements, and the overall impact of my work.

After the project discussion, we delved into fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) questions, particularly focusing on Arrays and Strings. Despite the technical rigor, the interviewer seemed satisfied with my responses. As the interview drew to a close, I strategically inquired about feedback, and to my delight, the interviewer indicated a positive outlook for my candidacy.

Round 2: A Deeper Dive:

The second round took place two days later and followed a similar one-hour format with a single interviewer. This time, the focus shifted toward my knowledge of frameworks. However, I had to admit that I wasn’t well-versed in any Backend framework at that point. Undeterred, the interviewer moved on to explore my past internship experiences and my motivation for pursuing a Backend engineering role. While I can’t recall the specific questions asked, they were within the realm of medium to easy-level LeetCode questions. The interviewer requested logic and pseudocode, and I was able to provide satisfactory answers.

Toward the end of the interview, the floor was open for questions. I inquired about the company culture, and the typical daily responsibilities of a Backend Developer, and shared what I knew about Airtel. Once again, I tactfully asked about the feedback, and I received positive indications that Airtel was interested in moving forward with me.

The Unexpected Turn:

Despite the promising signs from both interviews, I found myself waiting in vain for the expected interview call. Puzzled and eager to know the outcome, I decided to reach out to the HR department. To my surprise, I was informed that I hadn’t cleared the interview. This starkly contrasted with the positive feedback I had received from the interviewers.

Upon further discussion, I discovered that the reason for not moving forward was a budget constraint — Airtel couldn’t meet my current compensation, which was quite unexpected coming from HR.


My interview experience at Airtel in 2022 was a rollercoaster ride filled with both highs and unexpected lows. It highlighted the importance of not only technical competence but also the need to align compensation expectations early in the interview process.

While my journey with Airtel didn’t culminate in a job offer, it provided valuable insights into the company’s interview process, the importance of practical experience, and the need for transparent communication between HR and candidates. This experience has only fueled my determination to continue growing as a Software Developer and seeking opportunities that align with my career aspirations.

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